The following table shows the results when following perfect strategy (basic strategy and all of the exceptions):
Perfect Strategy Analysis | ||||||
Hand | Payoff | Combinations | Probability | Hit Frequency | Variance | Return |
Natural Royal Flush | 800 | 435,562,560 | 0.000022 | 45,764.33 | 13.95 | 0.017481 |
Four Deuces | 600 | 4,463,383,488 | 0.000224 | 4,465.95 | 80.34 | 0.134350 |
Wild Royal Flush | 20 | 26,712,596,496 | 0.001340 | 746.21 | 0.48 | 0.026802 |
Five of a Kind | 10 | 64,377,282,552 | 0.003230 | 309.63 | 0.26 | 0.032296 |
Straight Flush | 8 | 77,477,846,544 | 0.003887 | 257.28 | 0.19 | 0.031095 |
Four of a Kind | 4 | 1,320,244,764,168 | 0.066233 | 15.10 | 0.60 | 0.264933 |
Full House | 3 | 422,703,294,624 | 0.021206 | 47.16 | 0.08 | 0.063618 |
Flush | 2 | 310,162,817,256 | 0.015560 | 64.27 | 0.02 | 0.031120 |
Straight | 2 | 1,108,501,189,416 | 0.055611 | 17.98 | 0.06 | 0.111221 |
Three of a Kind | 1 | 5,707,059,269,928 | 0.286309 | 3.49 | 0.00 | 0.286309 |
Nothing | 0 | 10,891,092,510,168 | 0.546379 | 1.83 | 0.55 | 0.000000 |
Totals | 19,933,230,517,200 | 1.000000 | 2.20 | 96.53 | 0.999226 |
The following table shows the results when following basic strategy only (not its exceptions):
Basic Strategy Analysis | ||||||
Hand | Payoff | Combinations | Probability | Hit Frequency | Variance | Return |
Natural Royal Flush | 800 | 436,438,260 | 0.000022 | 45,672.51 | 13.98 | 0.017516 |
Four Deuces | 600 | 4,470,286,020 | 0.000224 | 4,459.05 | 80.47 | 0.134558 |
Wild Royal Flush | 20 | 26,765,030,448 | 0.001343 | 744.75 | 0.48 | 0.026855 |
Five of a Kind | 10 | 64,423,371,840 | 0.003232 | 309.41 | 0.26 | 0.032320 |
Straight Flush | 8 | 76,969,954,356 | 0.003861 | 258.97 | 0.19 | 0.030891 |
Four of a Kind | 4 | 1,321,360,766,076 | 0.066289 | 15.09 | 0.60 | 0.265157 |
Full House | 3 | 422,759,154,528 | 0.021209 | 47.15 | 0.08 | 0.063626 |
Flush | 2 | 309,644,803,128 | 0.015534 | 64.37 | 0.02 | 0.031068 |
Straight | 2 | 1,103,539,211,424 | 0.055362 | 18.06 | 0.06 | 0.110724 |
Three of a Kind | 1 | 5,710,590,652,068 | 0.286486 | 3.49 | 0.00 | 0.286486 |
Nothing | 0 | 10,892,270,849,052 | 0.546438 | 1.83 | 0.55 | 0.000000 |
Totals | 19,933,230,517,200 | 1.000000 | 2.20 | 96.68 | 0.999201 |
The following tables show the basic strategy:
Basic Strategy — No Wilds Dealt | |
Type of Play | Play Details |
Pat Hand | Full House; Natural Royal Flush |
4 to a Natural Royal Flush | TJQA; TJQK; TJKA; TQKA; JQKA |
4 of a Kind | 3333; 4444; 5555; 6666; 7777; 8888; 9999; TTTT; JJJJ; QQQQ; KKKK; AAAA |
Pat Hand | Straight; Flush; Straight Flush |
3 of a Kind | 333; 444; 555; 666; 777; 888; 999; TTT; JJJ; QQQ; KKK; AAA |
4 to a Straight Flush | (more)A345; 3456; 3457; 3467; 3567; 4567; 4568; 4578; 4678; 5678; 5679; 5689... |
3 to a Natural Royal Flush | TJA; TJQ; TJK; TQA; TQK; TKA; JQA; JQK; JKA; QKA |
1 Pair | 33; 44; 55; 66; 77; 88; 99; TT; JJ; QQ; KK; AA |
4 to a Straight | 4567; 5678; 6789; 789T; 89TJ; 9TJQ; TJQK |
4 to a Flush | (more)3458; 3459; 345T; 345J; 345Q; 345K; 346A; 3468; 3469; 346T; 346J; 346Q... |
3 to a Straight Flush | (more)345; 456; 457; 467; 567; 568; 578; 678; 679; 689; 789; 78T; 79T; 89T... |
2 to a Natural Royal Flush | TJ |
4 to a Straight | 78TJ; 79TJ; 89TQ; 89JQ; 8TJQ; 9TJK; 9TQK; 9JQK; TQKA; JQKA |
3 to a Straight Flush | 7TJ; 89Q; 9QK |
4 to a Straight | TJQA; TJKA |
3 to a Straight Flush | 8TQ; 8JQ; 9TK; 9JK |
2 to a Natural Royal Flush | TQ; JQ |
3 to a Straight Flush | 346; 347; 367 |
4 to a Straight | 678T; 679T; 689T; 789J |
3 to a Straight Flush | 67T; 68T; 69T; 78J; 79J |
4 to a Straight | 3467; 3567; 4568; 4578; 4678; 5679 |
3 to a Straight Flush | 356; 357 |
4 to a Straight | 5689; 5789 |
3 to a Straight Flush | 458; 468; 478; 569; 579; 589 |
4 to a Straight | 3456; 3457 |
Garbage | Discard everything |
Basic Strategy — One Wild Dealt | |
Type of Play | Play Details |
Pat Hand | Full House; Straight Flush; Five of a Kind; Wild Royal Flush |
4 of a Kind | W333; W444; W555; W666; W777; W888; W999; WTTT; WJJJ; WQQQ; WKKK; WAAA |
4 to a Wild Royal Flush | WTJA; WTJQ; WTJK; WTQA; WTQK; WTKA; WJQA; WJQK; WJKA; WQKA |
4 to a Straight Flush | W567; W678; W789; W89T; W9TJ |
Pat Hand | Straight; Flush |
4 to a Straight Flush | (more)W345; W456; W457; W467; W568; W578; W679; W689; W78T; W79T; W89J; W8TJ... |
3 of a Kind | W33; W44; W55; W66; W77; W88; W99; WTT; WJJ; WQQ; WKK; WAA |
4 to a Straight Flush | (more)WA34; WA35; WA45; W346; W347; W356; W357; W367; W458; W468; W478; W569... |
3 to a Wild Royal Flush | WTJ; WTQ; WJQ |
Wild Only |
Basic Strategy — Two Wilds Dealt | |
Type of Play | Play Details |
Pat Hand | Straight Flush; Five of a Kind; Wild Royal Flush |
4 of a Kind | WW33; WW44; WW55; WW66; WW77; WW88; WW99; WWTT; WWJJ; WWQQ; WWKK; WWAA |
4 to a Wild Royal Flush | WWTJ; WWTQ; WWJQ |
Wilds Only |
Basic Strategy — Three Wilds Dealt | |
Type of Play | Play Details |
Wilds Only |
Basic Strategy — Four Wilds Dealt | |
Type of Play | Play Details |
Wilds Only |
The following table shows the exceptions to the basic strategy:
Basic Strategy Exceptions | ||
Right Play | Wrong Play | Pattern(s) |
3 to a Straight Flush: W67 | Wild Only | |
3 to a Straight Flush: W78 | Wild Only | |
3 to a Straight Flush: W89 | Wild Only | |
3 to a Straight Flush: W9T | Wild Only | |
3 to a Straight Flush: 7TJ | 2 to a Natural Royal Flush: TJ | |
Garbage: Discard everything | 2 to a Natural Royal Flush: JQ | |
4 to a Straight: 3456 | 3 to a Straight Flush: 346 | |
4 to a Straight: 3467 | 3 to a Straight Flush: 346 | |
4 to a Straight: 3456 | 3 to a Straight Flush: 356 | |
4 to a Straight: 3457 | 3 to a Straight Flush: 347 | |
4 to a Straight: 3467 | 3 to a Straight Flush: 347 | |
4 to a Straight: 3457 | 3 to a Straight Flush: 357 | |
4 to a Straight: 3467 | 3 to a Straight Flush: 367 | |
4 to a Straight: 79TJ | 2 to a Natural Royal Flush: TJ | |
4 to a Straight: 8TJQ | 2 to a Natural Royal Flush: TJ | |
4 to a Straight: 9TJK | 2 to a Natural Royal Flush: TJ | |
4 to a Straight: 3567 | 3 to a Straight Flush: 367 | |
4 to a Straight: 678T | 2 to a Natural Royal Flush: TQ | |
4 to a Straight: 679T | 2 to a Natural Royal Flush: TQ | |
Garbage: Discard everything | 2 to a Natural Royal Flush: TQ | |
3 to a Wild Royal Flush: WTK | Wild Only | 2♣ 7♣ 8♦ 10♥ K♥ |
4 to a Straight: 78TJ | 2 to a Natural Royal Flush: TJ | |
4 to a Straight: 4568 | 3 to a Straight Flush: 346 | |
4 to a Straight: 4678 | 3 to a Straight Flush: 346 | |
4 to a Straight: 4578 | 3 to a Straight Flush: 347 | |
4 to a Straight: 4678 | 3 to a Straight Flush: 347 | |
4 to a Straight: 4678 | 3 to a Straight Flush: 367 | |
4 to a Straight: 5679 | 3 to a Straight Flush: 367 | |
3 to a Straight Flush: 468 | 4 to a Straight: 689T | |
3 to a Straight Flush: 478 | 4 to a Straight: 789J | |
3 to a Straight Flush: 589 | 4 to a Straight: 89TQ | |
3 to a Straight Flush: 589 | 4 to a Straight: 89JQ | |
3 to a Straight Flush: 68T | 4 to a Straight: 8TJQ | |
3 to a Straight Flush: 69T | 4 to a Straight: 9TJK | |
3 to a Straight Flush: 69T | 4 to a Straight: 9TQK | |
3 to a Straight Flush: 79J | 4 to a Straight: 9JQK | |
3 to a Straight Flush: 8TQ | 4 to a Straight: TQKA | |
3 to a Straight Flush: 8JQ | 4 to a Straight: JQKA | |
2 to a Natural Royal Flush: TK | Garbage: Discard everything | 5♣ 7♦ 8♥ 10♠ K♠ |
3 to a Straight Flush: 478 | 4 to a Straight: 78TJ | 4♣ 7♣ 8♣ 10♦ J♥ |
3 to a Straight Flush: 579 | 4 to a Straight: 79TJ | 5♣ 7♣ 9♣ 10♦ J♥ |
3 to a Straight Flush: 458 | 2 to a Natural Royal Flush: TQ | 4♣ 5♣ 8♣ 10♦ Q♦ |
3 to a Straight Flush: 468 | 2 to a Natural Royal Flush: TQ | 4♣ 6♣ 8♣ 10♦ Q♦ |
3 to a Straight Flush: 478 | 2 to a Natural Royal Flush: TQ | 4♣ 7♣ 8♣ 10♦ Q♦ |
3 to a Straight Flush: 569 | 2 to a Natural Royal Flush: TQ | 5♣ 6♣ 9♣ 10♦ Q♦ |
3 to a Straight Flush: 579 | 2 to a Natural Royal Flush: TQ | 5♣ 7♣ 9♣ 10♦ Q♦ |
3 to a Straight Flush: 458 | 2 to a Natural Royal Flush: JQ | 4♣ 5♣ 8♣ J♦ Q♦ |
3 to a Straight Flush: 468 | 2 to a Natural Royal Flush: JQ | 4♣ 6♣ 8♣ J♦ Q♦ |
3 to a Straight Flush: 478 | 2 to a Natural Royal Flush: JQ | 4♣ 7♣ 8♣ J♦ Q♦ |
3 to a Straight Flush: 569 | 2 to a Natural Royal Flush: JQ | 5♣ 6♣ 9♣ J♦ Q♦ |
3 to a Straight Flush: 579 | 2 to a Natural Royal Flush: JQ | 5♣ 7♣ 9♣ J♦ Q♦ |
3 to a Straight Flush: 67T | 2 to a Natural Royal Flush: JQ | 6♣ 7♣ 10♣ J♦ Q♦ |